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Portfolio Services For The Automotive Industry

The automotive industry has complex reinsurance needs that require the guidance and expertise of an experienced team. That’s why we’re here for you.

At JGP Wealth Management, we’ve been involved with the auto dealer business for over 50 years—dating back three generations! Our complete understanding of the reinsurance business and its nuances allows us to give you comprehensive investment advice, designed to help you reach all your wealth management goals.

What We Do

We do the heavy lifting for you by taking care of everything from opening accounts to developing a dynamic investment strategy that balances your risk tolerance and goals—all while complying with strict Investment Policy Statement (IPS) guidelines.

Our reinsurance services include:

  • Individual account setup & management
  • Surplus account management
  • Dynamic investment strategy that adapts to your goals and risk tolerance
  • Ongoing investment reviews
  • Tax-efficient asset management
  • The tools and expertise you need to manage your dealership and personal finances
  • Regular calls and face-to-face meetings

Helping You

We serve as a fiduciary and put our clients’ interests above all others. We work hand in hand with reinsurance agents, service contract administrators, account owners, and affiliated reinsurance companies (ARCs).  With a comprehensive investment management strategy, we increase the potential of our clients’ reinsurance reserves and surplus account assets and serve as their partner as they build wealth.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Jake Withnell to learn more by contacting him at 503-446-6450 or jwithnell@jgpwealth.com.